Dr Maggie's life story
Dr Maggie host #WalkForHeroes, #702WalKTheTalk

A memorial to commemorate all the healthworkers who passed away during the COVID-19 pandemic in South Africa.
HCWHMemorial Launched

A memorial to commemorate all the healthworkers who passed away during the COVID-19 pandemic in South Africa.
Discovery Health's Inaugural Innovation

Dr . Maggie is selected as part of select group of health technopreneurs that won and participated in Discovery health's Inaugural Innovatation
Mediwell Dainfern launched

Dr. Maggie launches Mediwell, a medical centre in Fourways, Dainfern.
Dr Maggie Is The Founder of The Thokoza Peace Memorial

Dr Maggie is the founder of the peace monument in honour of those killed in conflict in Thokoza.